We're back! Wendi and I took a break from the everyday life and went on a cruise last week. We went with my Parents, and Grandparents. It was a blast. It was also really nice to get away from this cold weather for a week. This picture is one of many that we took on this cruise. Wendi and I are all set up to go swinging on a zip line in Isla Roatan, Honduras. It was so much fun! It was probably one of those once in a lifetime kind of things. We visited Belize and Cozumel as well. We came back with many souvenirs. Even better then the gifts we brought home were the relationships that were strengthened. It was great for me to get to go with my Grandpa. I don't get to see him very often at all. I was really surprised to see how much we actually are alike. He isn't the Grandpa that I remember from my childhood. It was also nice to spend some time with my parents as well. Wendi and I are trying to take advantage of the time we have with family now. We only have 4 months left until DTS. It was also great to spend some great quality time with my Bride. It is nice to get away from the world and spend time with the one I love.
P.S.- Sorry for such a long time between posts. Life caught up with me and I totally forgot I even had a blog. Hopefully I can keep this updated a little bit more often.
Glad you started your blog again. Love you MOM